Thank you for your interest in our Student Support Services program!  Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible.  PLEASE NOTE: You cannot save and restart this application.  Please review the application checklist and the application to make sure you have the required documents and information before you begin.

Application Checklist: 

  • Application
  • Signed Income Verification (1040 tax form) or Income Verification Form
  • Disability Verification (if reporting a disability)

As a reminder, to be eligible for TRIO SSS you must be a CSUF undergraduate who demonstrates academic need AND who identifies as at least one of the following (1) low-income, (2) first-generation college student, or (3) individual with a disability. Students are accepted into the program based on eligibility criteria, academic need, and space availability. Completion of the application does not guarantee acceptance into the program. 

California State University, Fullerton’s TRIO SSS is 100% federally funded. Admission into CSUF TRIO SSS is
open to those who meet the eligibility criteria, regardless of gender, race, national origin, color, age, religion or disability.

CONTACT US | If you have any questions, please call our office at 657-278-5210 or email us at

General Information:
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Middle Name:
Campus Wide ID (CWID): *
Date of Birth: *
Address: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Home Phone
Cell Phone Number:
CSUF Email Address: *
Personal Email Address:
How did you hear about the TRIO Student Support Services Program at CSUF?

Personal Info:
Gender *
Preferred Pronouns
Are you Hispanic/Latino? *
Select the race or races with which you identify:
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Student Citizenship (Please check one): *
Marital Status *
Do you have dependents? *
Are you a current or former foster youth? *
Are you a veteran? *
Are you currently employed? *
IF YES, how many hours/week?
Do you have documented disability? *
IF YES, have you registered with CSUF DSS?
Disability Verification Documents

Family Information:
Parent A | Highest Education Level Completed *
Parent B | Highest Education Level Completed: *

HOUSEHOLD SIZE & INCOME VERIFICATION | To verify low-income status, applicant must attach income verification such as a signed 1040 tax form or income verification form. 

You are considered dependent and must provide income information for your parent(s)/guardian(s) if you are ALL of the following (1) under 24 years old, (2) unmarried, and (3) have no dependent children. If you are independent, please provide your tax/income information.

Household size refers to the number of people (including you) who are supported by the taxable income. If you are independent and have no dependents, enter 1. Family or roommates who do not depend on your income should not be included in this number. 

Dependency Status *
Household Size *
Taxable Income Range: *
Income Verification | Most Recent, Signed IRS 1040 or Income Verification Form *

Academic Info:
Current Grade Level *
Intended Graduation Date (Semester - Year) *
Major / Educational Goal *
Career Goal *
How many classes are you taking? *
How's your academic standing? *
Current GPA: *
Are you a transfer student? *
Have you participated in any of the following TRIO programs?: (check all that apply)
Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)
Talent Search
Upward Bound
Student Support Services
Ronald E. McNair Scholars
CSUF Programs | Please list any CSUF programs in which you are a participant? (ex: EOP, Center for Scholars, TAPP, MSI, VRC, etc). If none, please enter NONE below. 
CSUF Programs *

Personal Essay:
Q1 | Reflect on a significant academic challenge you have encountered and overcome in your journey to pursue higher education. Please describe how you navigated this obstacle, the resources or support systems you utilized, and the impact on your academic and personal growth. (approximately one paragraph)
Q1 | Response *
Q2 | Describe your primary reason for applying to TRIO SSS. What challenges do you anticipate facing as you continue your pursuit of a bachelor's degree? What resources and support do you think will be most valuable to your educational and career goals?  (approximately one paragraph)
Q2 | Response *
Self Assessment:
Check all areas in which you feel TRIO SSS staff may be able to assist you: 
Individual Advising - Course and graduation planning
Scholarship and Financial Aid Information
Graduate School Exploration & Planning
Career Exploration & Planning
Campus Resource Referrals

Participation Agreement:

TRIO Student Support Services (TRIO SSS) is a federally funded program created to assist low-income students, first-generation college students, and/or students with disabilities who have an academic need for support to achieve their educational goals. The goal of SSS is to assist students in ensuring they persist and graduate from CSUF with their bachelor’s degree. Because our purpose is to help those in the program achieve this goal AND because there are a limited number of openings in our program, we believe a relationship of mutual commitment is necessary.

Therefore, WE COMMIT to offer quality academic support services that guide you through the best planned pathway that leads to graduation from CSUF in an effective manner.

In return for these services, YOU COMMIT to the following as a TRIO SSS participant.

  • Meet with your TRIO SSS counselor at least three times and attend at least two workshops/events EACH SEMESTER from the date you are added to TRIO SSS UNTIL YOU GRADUATE from CSUF.
  • Meet with your TRIO SSS counselor before dropping/adding classes or before withdrawing from CSUF
  • Complete the FAFSA every year before March 2nd, regardless of your current income.
  • Return any borrowed property of SSS (i.e., laptop, etc.) by the agreed-upon date

I agree to commit to the program stipulations listed in the above Participant Agreement. I understand that the SSS program may remove me as an active program participant if I do not comply with this commitment or stop enrollment at CSUF at any time.

Participant Information Agreement

I hereby authorize the TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) program at California State University, Fullerton to obtain academic, financial aid, and other information pertinent to my participation in the TRIO SSS program at CSUF.

I understand that a copy of my application will be kept on file at the TRIO SSS program office and the resulting information received from counselors, admissions and financial aid, instructors, etc. will be kept confidential in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

I acknowledge and accept the conditions outlined in the Participation Agreement. *

Sign and Submit:
Terms of Submission:
By submitting this application, you acknowledge that all of the above information is correct and accurate to the best of your understanding.
Applicant Signature *
Please select a signature verification type.